Playlist: Genetic Engineering (topic)
You Will Become Like God!
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsWe have been promised a dazzling future as indestructible Spirit beings. Nothing we could fashion with our hands or minds could compare with that.
Michael Crichton and End-Time Disasters
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We must focus on God's truth in order to avoid being duped like clueless sheeples. The god of science has replaced the wholesome food which God has given.
It Won't Stop Until We Stop Giving Permission
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)All sin has occurred because God has given people the ability to make choices. Knowing that God is right will help deter us from making the wrong choice.
Unmasking Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Part One)
Commentary by David F. MaasA number of secular false messiahs—particularly medical experts—have pulled the wool over the eyes of many worldwide in the past several months.
De-Population: Viruses
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsSome of the rulers of the age desire to eradicate 90% of the world's population with designer sicknesses in order to make the earth a more 'stable' habitat.
Women and Fetuses at Risk!
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsBT corn has been engineered to form its own pesticide, a chemical which is harmful to human beings. Pregnant women are especially at risk.
The Fear of Man Is a Snare
Commentary by David F. MaasA number of ministers of the greater church of God, forgetting that the fear of man is a snare, have yielded to pressure regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.
Romans 14, Judging, Food, and Sin
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We need to be careful about what we consume, but we cannot be judgmental if a brother cannot afford organically grown food and must depend on inferior food.
The Beginning of History
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles WhitakerMany believe that history is progress—that mankind, along with his nature, governments, and technology, is on an inevitable course of advancement.
Our Part in the Sanctification Process (Part Seven): Cultivating Goodness
Sermon by David F. MaasGod has provided strategies which will facilitate His people's cultivation of the spiritual fruit of goodness, working effectively as Christ's sharecroppers.
A Seed of Highest Quality
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod calls Israel a seed of highest quality, but she turned into a degenerate vine, bearing bitter fruit, rejecting God and relying on her own resources.
The Seed of Eternal Life
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsPaul provided a decaying kernel of grain as a metaphor of death and resurrection, indicating that the new spirit body will be a completely different body.
Looking Forward
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughRichard Ritenbaugh, citing Mark Twain's aphorism, "The art of prophecy is difficult, especially with respect to the future," points out that there are too many variables for any human to predict accurately. We can be thankful that God's prognostications and prophecies are totally trustworthy, many of which have already …