Playlist: Inactivity (topic)


Producing Fruit

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

To be made clean only prepares us for producing fruit. If we stand still, simply resting on our justification, the dark forces will pull us backwards.

Sin (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Though relatively neutral at its inception, human nature is subject to a deadly magnetic pull toward self-centeredness, deceit, and sin.

Don't Stand Still!

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The best way to conquer evil is to do righteousness, serving God and mankind. Sins of omission are every bit as devastating as sins of commission.

Stewardship of God's Temple (Part Five)

Sermon by David F. Maas

Some have foolishly denigrated the value of physical exercise by taking Paul's admonition to Timothy totally and hopelessly out of context.

Compassion and Couch Potatoes

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Christians who 'sit out' opportunities to serve, becoming in effect couch potatoes, commit sins of omission which may lead to the Lake of Fire.

Christian Men: Personal Responsibility

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Although men have no moral or mental advantages over women, God has commissioned them to actively lead, providing security and stability to family and society.

Are You Weary of Doing What's Right?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Sowing to the Spirit enables us to walk in the Spirit, keeping ourselves from spiritual weariness while keeping an environment of peace and tranquility.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Thirty-Seven): Ecclesiastes 10:12-19

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

As teachers, we are all burdened with an unholy tongue, but we need to rule it to produce only holy speech. Ecclesiastes 10 focuses on a leader using gracious speech.

Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eyes, Pride of Life

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

The half-time show of the recent Superbowl exemplifies the lust of the flesh and the eyes, and the pride of life. Each choice we make changes our brains.

The Providence of God (Part Seven)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus and Abraham rose above their emotional pulls by exercising living faith—a faith built on acts of obedience. Faith can never be separated from works.

Overcoming Discouragement and Depression

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Even loyal servants of God have had to contend with depression and discouragement. Antidotes include rest, refocus, right expectations, and obedient actions.

Caught in a Blizzard?

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

We are being exposed to a spiritual blizzard, bringing darkness and coldness into the entire world. We are admonished to stoke the fire of God's Holy Spirit.

Preparing While Waiting For God

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Waiting for God is an acquired virtue requiring patience and longsuffering. Times of waiting are times to practice obedience and fellowship with others.

What Will You Do?

Sermonette by Martin G. Collins

We must guard against complacency and inactivity, putting our activities and energies into something permanent- such as God's eternal plan for us.

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