Playlist: Discord, Sowing (topic)


Penalty of Death

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Gossip is like scattering feathers in a wind: It is just as impossible to reverse the damage done by gossip as it is to regather the feathers.

The Elephant in the Room

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

One of the practices of a tare is passive-aggressive behavior, characterized by a hypocritical display of diplomacy while concealing hatred.

'Sons of God?'

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

God gave Jesus Christ to us to restore peace, reconciliation, and harmony with God. In the Beatitudes, the peacemakers are called 'sons of God.'


Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The apostle James says that the tongue can metaphorically start a dangerous fire. He warns that gossip, tale-bearing and being a busy-body is like murder.

Our Spiritual Roof

Sermon by Bill Onisick

If we are not performing righteous acts with the right spirit (God's Holy Spirit or the mind of Christ) we will not hit the mark.

Christianity Vs. Cultural Paganism

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Satan deceives by mixing truth with and falsehood, promoting cultural pagans or tares among the wheat or members of the church of God.

Guard Against Being an Abomination to God

Sermon by Kim Myers

An abomination is anything God hates, including idolatry, diverse weights, uncleanness, sorcery, a proud look, a lying tongue, and the shedding of innocent blood.

Eternal Responsibilities

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We each have an eternal responsibility to do the will of God, continually seeking Him. Those who do not choose God's way of life will be mercifully put to death.

What Does God Really Want? (Part 1)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The priorities in Matthew 6:33 indicates that the primary emphasis should be on repentance and overcoming rather than mastering a technicality.