Sermon: Using God's Irrevocable Gifts for His Glory
Mark Schindler
Given 02-Mar-24; 38 minutes
description: (hide) The apostle Paul's faithful companion, Luke the physician, demonstrated excellent stewardship of irrevocable gifts. Luke served to untangle much of Paul's convoluted verbiage, in which Peter expressed frustrated alarm that the untaught were twisting the meaning (II Peter 3:16). Luke had the gift of an investigative journalist, presenting the words in a plain, logical, orderly fashion, unburdened by academic murkiness, making crystal clear what would seem complicated for most people. In several of Paul's writings, he expressed gratitude that Luke had remained loyal to him, even under the most trying of circumstances, including ridicule and persecution (Colossians 4:7; II Timothy 4:9). Luke's companionship with Paul enabled him to tend Paul's wounds, serve as an eyewitness, suffer the same trial and afflictions as Paul, and use his irrevocable gift to interpret and smooth out Paul's writing. Luke made it clear that Christ's disciples had no intent to initiate an insurrection, but instead to experience an extended period of sanctification in which the power of God's Holy Spirit would displace their carnality until they would be born into God's family. Luke learned from Peter, Paul, and Mark, enabling him to add additional clarity to God's plan to Jew and Gentile alike. It would be well for all of us to emulate Luke's stewardship of the spiritual gifts we have received, realizing that if we are faithful in using them (Romans 12:1), nothing will separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35).
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