Sermonette: A Vivid Comparison


Given 14-Sep-15; 26 minutes


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Consider the vast offerings given collectively by the nation of Israel for the building of the temple, exceeding $1 billion in today's wealth, and King David's personal contribution, in excess of 1 billion—yet both were dwarfed into significance when compared to the widow described in Luke 21:1-4, who gave a paltry 2 mites—a mere quarter of one cent. She gave considerably more because she sacrificed all she had, while the richer contributors gave from their excess. God, who needs nothing from any of us, nevertheless is moved when (1) we carefully and thoughtfully consider our offering, (2) we give it with a certain measure of sacrifice, (3) we give it in faith, and (4) we give it ungrudgingly, realizing that God is no respecter of persons, but measures each person's attitude and intent individually.

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