Sermonette: Why Do We Give?

The Window's Mite

Given 16-Sep-23; 18 minutes


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In Mark 12:43-44 and Luke 21:1-4, we learn that the poor woman who gave a mere two mites gave more than all the other contributors combined because she gave out of her poverty with genuine sacrifice and did not contribute for show or the approval of other onlookers. The mindset of truth and meaningful sacrifice was held up as a model by Jesus Christ, who apparently had studied the behavior and motives of those bringing in the annual temple tax, tossing their coins in 13 metallic trumpet shaped receptacles, allowing the clanking to be heard all over room. The rich enjoyed the adulation of onlookers, dropping their wads of coins to clank -clank -clank for all to hear, hoping to receive public acclaim. The proscription against sounding a trumpet in Matthew 6:2 probably referred more to the clanging of offering in a metallic trumpet shaped receptacle more than literally blowing a trumpet. Nevertheless, the grounds of comparison refer to doing something as a show, like billionaires, tossing a million here and a million there (chump change) for charity. God has no respect for hypocrisy or show. God has called the base of the world to upend the hypocrisy of the rich and famous or the wise and the mighty that no flesh should glory in His presence (I Corinthians 1:28). All the money the rich gave was temporary and fleeting because it was given for self-aggrandizement. But the widow's offering kept multiplying because it was sacrificed for Almighty God. Likewise, we are admonished to give what we are able, no matter how great or small, if we do it with a cheerful or grateful heart.

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