Sermonette: Remember When
God's Warning to Israel
Ronny H. Graham
Given 06-Feb-16; 19 minutes
description: (hide) Mankind has a propensity to selectively filter events, forgetting the bad and remembering the good when assessing "the good old days." Our civilization has undergone a terrifying free-fall of morality and ethics for multiple decades. Some feel the good old days are a myth, while others claim that we do not realize how good we have had things until they are gone. French novelist Marcel Proust proclaims that "remembrance of things past is not necessarily remembrance of the way things really were." We have myriads of memories of the way things used to be in the church, including multiple choices of feast sites, social and athletic activities, abundant TV and print media, as well as full-fledged educational institutions. Many of the splinter groups in the greater Church of God are trying to reproduce this elusive bygone milieu and nostalgically return to those times. When our forebears on the Sinai faced frustrating challenges, they longed to return to the good old days, when there were plenty of pots of meat with garlic and leeks to go around, forgetting, of course, the bitterness of bondage. To be sure, there was a time when the children of Israel did enjoy prosperity in the land of Egypt, as Jacob's offspring began to multiply, rivaling the Egyptian population, a time they genuinely feared God. When Jacob's offspring began to assimilate into Egyptian culture, practicing idolatry, their foolish apostasy cost them God's protection. Israel's greatest problem was their failure to remember the terms of God's Covenant, including His Sabbaths. God put Israel into slavery because they profaned His Sabbaths and statutes. Our previous fellowship was likewise blown apart because of apostasy from God's Covenant; we need to solemnly remember that fact and purpose to get back to the old faith once delivered.