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Handwriting on the Wall: Forgetfulness

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

America once had national greatness, but because of the ignorance of youth, forgetting the lessons from history, they will soon pay for their forgetfulness.

Lest We Forget (2011)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The modern Israelitish nations have difficulty remembering God, His providence, and His mercy. Ingratitude has been one of the worst traits of our culture.

Lest We Forget (2020)

Commentary by Mark Schindler

Mark Schindler, focuses upon the Separatists who fled to Leyden in 1609, to escape persecution from the Anglican Church, which although broke away politically from the Roman Catholic Church, nevertheless retained some of the customs and teachings of Catholicism which the Pilgrims found repulsive. In order to preserve their …

Memory and Humility

CGG Weekly

God has given us a faculty that protects us from despair, discourages folly, and counters pride: memory. Memory is central to our relationship with God.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Sermonette by Hunter D. Swanson

In our daily walk through life, we may not see evidence of God's intervention if we become distracted by problems and frustrations.

Faith and Remembering

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

We will not have faith tomorrow simply because we had it yesterday; we must renew faith daily by deliberately remembering God's prior interventions.

Using Our Spiritual Vocabulary

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In the same way that we use only a small fraction of our vocabulary, because we are human, we use only a small fraction of what we have learned from God's Word.

Will We Endure to the End? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Pat Higgins

How do we endure while facing life's problems? How do we ensure that we make it through those unprecedented trials promised as our world nears its end?

The Feast of Tabernacles and Unleavened Bread

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

Both Tabernacles and Unleavened Bread keep us off balance so that we remain humble, seek stability, and trust in God's providence for our ultimate destiny.

Remember Me

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

God asks that we use the Passover to bring to remembrance His redemptive act, especially how our sins caused Christ to die in our stead.

Remember When

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

Our previous fellowship was blown apart because of apostasy; we need to solemnly remember that fact and purpose to get back to the old faith once delivered.

Sorry, I Forgot

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

'Manasseh' means 'forgetful' or 'making forgetful.' From its founding in colonial days, its people have tended to forget the past and plunge into the future.

Deuteronomy (Part 5) (1994)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Paradoxically, humble obedience and dependency upon God strengthens us, while prideful self-sufficiency weakens us.

A Basket of Summer Fruit

'Ready Answer' by Charles Whitaker

Summertime reminds us of 'those lazy, hazy, crazy days' of our youth. Biblically, summertime sounds a warning to us to prepare for the fall harvest.

Limiting the Holy One of Israel (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We limit God through our willful sin and disobedience, pride and self confidence, ignorance and blindness, and our fear of following Him.

Deuteronomy: Being Careful

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Our care in following God's instructions must be thorough, leaving no place for inattention, short cuts, negligence, or doing only enough to get by.

Don't Take God for Granted

Sermon by John O. Reid

We all tend to allow familiarity to lure us into carelessly taking something for granted. This is particularly dangerous regarding God and His purpose for us.

Parables of Luke 15 (Part Three)

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

The three illustrations in Luke 15 justify Christ's conduct in receiving sinners, and show that to rejoice over their return is good and proper.