Sermonette: The Great Divide

Recognizing the Dangers of Hidden Bitterness Within Our Fellowship

Given 05-Mar-16; 20 minutes


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We live in a world divided, as seen in the impending implosions of the two major political parties, the fragmentation of the European 'Union,' fratricide among the Islamic factions, race wars, gender wars, class wars, and bitter vitriol, anger, and resentment ruling the day. People are no longer hearing one another, but only their own amplified, distorted, and poisoned perceptions they carry of others. Babylon is blinded with bitterness. Our ability to discern falsehood is directly related to our ability to recognize truth and act on it. Emotions such as pride, stubbornness, resentment, and envy (a root of bitterness influenced by the culture around them) have split congregations, dividing brethren more than doctrinal disputes. We are implored to seek and pursue peace with everyone. Resentment unresolved can make us physically and spiritually sick. Carrie Fisher contends that "Resentment is the poison you swallow hoping the other person will die." When resentment goes underground, it raises havoc with our nervous system as well as jeopardizes our salvation. It is okay to get angry—just as long as we do not stay there. As God's called-out ones, we must learn how to take the hit and turn the other shoulder.

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