Sermonette: Time to Repent

God's Goodness

Given 28-May-16; 18 minutes


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Christ threatened consequences to the Thyatira Church if the congregation did not repent. God usually grants abundant time for people to repent, but the recipients of this grace often interpret it as God's tolerance for their sin. The effect is that God's patience can harden people as they neglect the solemn warning brought by His Word and His messengers. For a time, especially as we live in ignorance, God displays patience and forbearance, but God requires repentance, as He did with the people of Nineveh. It is human nature to put off repentance if one does not perceive immediate consequences. Today, people have been so enervated by the effects of sin that they continually disregard God's warning message, oblivious to the cause-and-effect relationship between natural disasters and national sin. Some have failed to understand that Christ scattered the church for its own protection as the Laodicean infection began to destroy vital organs. God's goodness is designed to bring us to repentance, but sometimes He needs to be kind to us by allowing us to experience the consequences of our sins. God's ways to lead us to repentance may occasionally seem offensive, even excessively harsh, but He is always faithful to His covenant and wants only the best for us.

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