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Lessons From Saul and David
Sermon by Ted E. BowlingGod chose both Saul and David, the first complying with the people's choice (judging by outward appearance and stature), the second by judging inwardly.
The Sacredness of Marriage
Article by James BeaubelleScripture holds the divinely ordained institution of marriage in high regard. Here is why God considers marriage to be so important to us, society, and His purpose.

Playing With Fire
Article by John O. ReidSolomon uses the analogy of taking fire to his bosom or walking on hot coals to describe sinning. In particular, he warns against sexual sins.
Assessment Now, Judgment Later!
Sermonette by Martin G. CollinsGod commands us to set our minds on things above and not on the earthly, seeking the eternal Kingdom of God rather than perishable treasures of this world.
The Tenth Commandment (1998)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughOne commentator said all public crime would cease if this one law was kept. Another said every sin against one's neighbor springs from breaking this commandment.
The Commandments (Part Sixteen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughIt is absolutely impossible for lust to bring about any kind of satisfaction. Adultery cannot be entered into without irrevocably damaging relationships.
The Seventh Commandment (1997)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughFor decades, sexual sins have topped the list of social issues. The problem is unfaithfulness. The seventh commandment has natural and spiritual penalties.

The Seventh Commandment
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThe Seventh Commandment—prohibiting adultery—covers the subject of faithfulness. Unfaithfulness devastates many aspects of family and society life.
The Momentum of Sin
Sermonette by Joseph B. BaityBoth David and Eve failed to slow down the momentum of their carnal lusts. The momentum of sin is dangerous, especially when the consequences appear to be far away.
God Is Preparing Us For the Kingdom
Sermon by Kim MyersToday, the church is experiencing more overwhelming trials than ever before, indicating that God is preparing His people for the end time.
Sin: The Wall That Separates
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingOur sins separate us from God; if we want to walk with God, it must be without sin. It is for our benefit that God holds such a high standard.
Bitterness Can Kill
Sermon by Mike FordAhithophel serves as a poignant example that we must not permit bitterness to undermine our faith that the sovereign God is able to bring justice.
Christian Marriage (Part One)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsCohabitation has led to increased divorce, marital violence, and lack of fidelity after marriage. Mass media has shamelessly used sex to promote materialism.
Sermon by John O. ReidEven as the world contains bait and switch schemes and false advertising, so also there are spiritual snares, far more dangerous than physical ones.
Character Matters
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughUnlike America's presidents, in God's kingdom only those who have God's approval, those who have developed iron-clad character, will be qualified to rule.
Old Testament: Fruit of the Spirit
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamWhen David penned Psalm 14 and 15, he may have been reflecting on Uriah, Nabal, and Abigail. The fruit of the spiritual is found in both testaments.