Sermonette: To the Third and Fourth Generation

God's Mercy

Given 18-Aug-18; 15 minutes


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The sins of our forebears have affected us. In the enigmatic incident in II Samuel 21:1-6, David was prevailed upon to turn over seven descendants of Saul to be executed in retribution for Saul's genocidal treatment of the Gibeonites. To be sure, the Gibeonites had deceived Joshua in making a covenant, and the consequences for the Gibeonites did not in the long run turn out well. Today, modern Israel is inviting a curse by not implementing public policies which would ensure the cultural assimilation of aliens. It is vital that God's people inquire of God before making major decisions. We have no way of knowing what our ancestors did in the past to escape a family curse. In the context of Exodus 20:5-6, we learn that, when we yield to Almighty God, He no longer holds us accountable for the misdeeds of our ancestors, and that God's mercy and lovingkindness accrue to those who love Him and keep His commandments.

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