Sermonette: The Immutability of God
Our Unchanging God
Ronny H. Graham
Given 13-Oct-18; 17 minutes
description: (hide) Many seemingly nonsensical changes have been made recently in professional football (such as how to lawfully tackle the quarterback), in NASCAR, and in the superfluous legislation regarding hate crimes. Some changes, such as the weed-whacker and the miniaturization of the computer, are indeed positive, but too many are superficial or counterfeit advances. One of the rock solid, dependable characteristics of God for which we can take comfort is His immutability—He cannot lie or become capricious like we humans in our carnal state. God does not change; it is impossible for God to change. We could greatly profit from meditating on His immutability, determining that we also meld into that wonderful characteristic of perfect stability. Perfection cannot be improved upon. We must not allow deadly carnal nature, the world, or Satan's broadcasts to derail their trek to godly immutability.