Sermonette: Foam
Book of Jude
Ronny H. Graham
Given 09-Feb-19; 18 minutes
description: (hide) Foam, in Scripture and nature, is usually accompanied by a state of agitation, as in hurricanes, angry waves of the sea, nations being torn asunder, and the episode (recorded at Mark 9:14-29) of the child with a mute spirit foaming at the mouth. In the book of Jude, which some have tagged as "the most neglected book of the Bible," the foam of shame in verse 13 refers to false teachers, tares coming in unnoticed, end-time scoffers, and agitators with perverse sensual desires, devoid of God's Holy Spirit, intent on following the ways of Cain, Balaam, and Korah—all rebels. The raging waves of the sea provide appropriate imagery describing their treachery. We must take refuge from these deadly squalls producing capsizing whitecaps.