Sermonette: Can You Handle the Truth?
Austin Del Castillo
Given 30-Mar-19; 19 minutes
description: (hide) We too often do not take personally our individual responsibility in the sacrifice of Christ and our individual responsibility for applying the truths God has taught us through His word and His ministry. We must not emulate the Pharisees in rejecting truth because it does not support our traditions or assumptions. We must be willing to allow God to make changes in our thinking, even when those changes discomfort the lifestyle and beliefs to which we have acclimated ourselves over the years. Anytime we refuse to be motivated by God's truth, we are damaging our relationship with God and building a relationship with Satan, the father of lies. The Satanically-inspired currents of this world have the ability to easily separate us from the One whom we seek to thank and honor at this coming Passover season. Inexorably, both the pressures of this life as well as the conduct of those who scatter will worsen with time, discouraging many from accepting the truth and applying it individually. Let that never happen to any of us!