Sermonette: Our Spiritual Wilderness
Red Sea Trials
Ryan McClure
Given 01-Jun-19; 16 minutes
description: (hide) God shows transparency of His intentions to test us in order to see what is in our hearts (Deuteronomy 8:1-5). The Lord revealed to Moses His intention of saving Israel and teaching Egypt a lesson. Our forebears, camped at the edge of the wilderness, guided by a cloud and pillar of fire, panicked at the sight of the pursuing Egyptian army. Time after time, the children of Israel, complaining about the lack of food and water, accusing Moses of leading them to their deaths, failed to trust God, in spite of the track record of provision He had established. Similarly, God has promised us a succession of fiery trials, which, if passed, will build character and glorify God. God does not test us in order to kill us but to ensure spiritual growth. In whatever trial we find ourselves, God will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5); He promises to finish the work He has started in us (Philippians 1:6).