Sermonette: Asa's Laodicean Attitude
Ted E. Bowling
Given 14-Sep-19; 18 minutes
description: (hide) King Asa of Judah started his reign trusting in God's intervention and providence, but he finished his course weak and compromised in much the same condition as Christ describes the Laodicean congregation in Revelation 3. We must recognize the causes of Asa's fall as he concluded his reign and avoid making the same mistakes. In the early years of Asa's reign, he destroyed the pagan altars, courageously deposing his own grandmother because she worshipped Asherah. Because he trusted God, when a far stronger army attacked Judah, God delivered the victory to His people. But something sinister happened to Asa toward the end of his life. Like the Laodiceans, he came to the point where he leaned on his own understanding, relied on his wealth (even giving the treasures of the Temple to a pagan king for protection), and allowed pride to take a leading part in his life. Unlike his grandfather David, Asa would not yield to correction when he acted without consulting God. In the 39th year of his reign, he relied on his physicians, succumbing two years later to serious disease. God reached out to Asa, as He did to the Laodicean congregation and as He does to us, warning of the importance of maintaining an ongoing relationship with Him. Unlike Asa's tragic example, we need to endure to the end, relying on God rather than taking credit for what we have accomplished through the gifts He has given us.