Sermonette: As The Deer Pants
Psalms 42
Ted E. Bowling
Given 23-Nov-19; 17 minutes
description: (hide) Psalm 42 contains the figure of a deer panting for water. There are various connotations of the verb 'pant' as it applies to thirsting after water in an arid environment as well as to the exhaustion experienced by an animal escaping from a predator, even to the point of submerging itself in a brook, in order to cover its scent. King David, as he fled from Absalom, might have written this Psalm when he was at the end of his tether, throwing himself on God's mercy, unsure whether death or God's intervention would be his fate. David, a man after God's own heart, did not ask God to spare his life, but only to facilitate a closer relationship with Him. Psalm 42 teaches us that, no matter what happens in our lives, nothing is more important than our drawing closer to God, yielding to His perfect will for us.