Sermonette: Year End Review and Daily Evaluations
Daily Evaluation
Ryan McClure
Given 18-Jan-20; 15 minutes
description: (hide) Writing evaluations in preparation for a year-review process is a laborious task. One way of easing the grief is to keep a daily journal, reflecting on the accomplishments and disappointments of the previous day. Over a recorded segment of time, we will have more than enough data to write an evaluation. The thorough examination Paul asks that we make (I Corinthians 11:26-32) is not to be a frenetic exercise we conduct shortly before Passover, but a systematic day-by-day endeavor to evaluate our behavior, determining where our strengths and weaknesses lie. Paul assures us that, if we would be more discerning of our own behavior, we would not come under severe judgment from God. As we perform our daily and annual reviews, we endeavor to go beyond keeping of God's Commandments not only in the letter, but also in the spirit, learning from the narrative of the rich, young ruler. As we approach this coming Passover, let us continue daily prayer and meditation (including systematic self-evaluation).