Sermonette: Faith and Remembering


Given 15-Apr-20; 19 minutes


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Most of the Israelites who heard Moses and moved through the Red Sea did not have enough faith to take possession of the Promised Land. Within months—even days—of witnessing the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, they complained about lack of food and water and worshiped a golden calf. They did not display faith, that is, belief, in the gospel God preached to them. Faith goes far beyond believing God exists; it requires rock-solid faith in God's trustworthiness, that is, His ability and commitment to fulfill His Word. God's people will not have faith tomorrow simply because they had it yesterday; they must renew faith daily by making a decided effort to remember God's prior interventions on their behalf. God's Word is a record of how He has dealt with His people. There is danger in not remembering the reality of God and His faithfulness. As God's people contemplate their Holy Day offerings, they must bring into remembrance what God has done for them. I Chronicles 9 records David's example of his remembering God's goodness.

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