Sermonette: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Hunter D. Swanson
Given 03-Oct-23; 15 minutes
description: (hide) In our daily walk through life, we may not see evidence of God's intervention if we become distracted by problems and frustrations such as scratch on the car, or a damaged oil pan caused by our carelessness. Like the country western ballad "I saw God Today" performed by George Strait, God's benevolent and providential fingerprints are all around us, if we bother to look, emulating the Psalmist David, who in Psalm 25 places his trust in God, focusing his eyes on the miracle of his own life. In Psalm 139, David declares that before we can see, God already sees us, forming our inward parts and planning our lives. Consequently, we cannot afford to let God our of our sight. In 2 Peter 1:1-11, we are given a formula to keep God continually in our sight, enabling us to make our calling sure.