Sermonette: Two Loaves, Baked with Leaven
Differences, Unity, and Christ's Work
David C. Grabbe
Given 31-May-20; 20 minutes
description: (hide) The symbolism underlying the various sacrifices outlined in the Pentateuch carry rich, spiritual meaning, like parables for the Old Testament. As rehearsed in Leviticus 23:17-22, the injunction to leave the corners of the field unharvested, to bake two loaves with leaven, to wave them before God rather than offer them on the altar, and to offer grain offerings all carry great spiritual meaning. The number two signifies a difference between two entities, sometimes with a common purpose but often with division, opposition, or contention. God's acceptance of the leavened loaves cannot take place without the flawless sacrifices which precede them. The leavening found in the two loaves represent contentions and doctrinal disputes which cannot be overcome by the efforts of men, but only through Jesus Christ. The sin offering during the Feast of Weeks reminds us that we are all under the death penalty. We must acknowledge our sins and be eagerly willing to repent when we are wrong, to the end that God will accept our imperfect works.