Sermonette: Journey for Joy
Investment of Self Sacrifice
Bill Onisick
Given 01-Aug-20; 13 minutes
description: (hide) It is hard to find joy in this world, where everything is transitory. Godly joy, though, transcends time. Only when God's people are united with Him can they find permanent joy. If God's people consistently use His Spirit as a resource, they will have joy as they navigate through trials. Jesus, in the Parables of Readiness and Talents, admonishes His disciples to invest their life in a relationship with Him. The journey of God's people for joy will pay incredible dividends if they increase their investments in spiritual resources—including their time, spending at least a tenth of it in spiritual pursuits. We reap what we sow; if they develop close relationships with God and others using the treasure of time, they demonstrate godly stewardship. The investment of time pays incalculable dividends, considering the eternity people as spirit beings will enjoy with their spiritual brothers and sisters.