Sermonette: Seedtime and Harvest


Given 03-Oct-20; 16 minutes


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Martin Collins focuses on the significance of the 30, 60, and one hundredfold increase mentioned by Christ in the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4). One hundredfold is not equivalent to 100 percent nor to 100 times. Rather, the term "hundredfold increase" refers to an indefinable number. In Genesis 8:22, God establishes the cycle of seed time and harvest, corresponding to rhythm of the seasons. The apostle Paul cautions mankind that we reap what we sow (II Corinthians 9:5). If we sow strife, we will reap strife. If we sow kindness, we will reap kindness. If we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly, and conversely, if we sow generously, we will reap abundantly. Like the farmer waiting patiently for the early and latter rains (James 5:7), God's people must wait patiently for the yield of the implanted seed, the fruit God will harvest from them. At Deuteronomy 16:16, God instructs each of His children to determine the value of the offering they give on the worth he attaches to the spiritual and spiritual gifts God has given him. God's people can sow bountifully when they understand that the seedtime and harvest principle has been working unceasingly.

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