Sermonette: One Moment in Time
Bill Onisick
Given 10-Oct-20; 21 minutes
description: (hide) The lyrics to Whitney Houston's ballad, "One Moment in Time," could be applied to the joy of the resurrected saints called to the Marriage Supper, commencing their rule with Christ for a thousand years. As co-rulers with Christ, the resurrected saints will not emulate tyrants who take pleasure in exercising power and control over hapless subjects. Coach Mike Krzyzewski demonstrated the kind of servant leadership which Jesus Christ taught His disciples, emphasizing encouragement and empathy, leading team members to interdependently bond with one another. A servant leader gently shepherds and encourages, as Christ did in giving the Beatitudes. God calls His people to be caring shepherds, invested in the success of the flock they serve, cheering them on and rallying them to perform at their best—just as Jesus Christ has done for them.