Sermonette: Saved By Our Attributes of Hope
Bill Onisick
Given 17-Jul-21; 19 minutes
description: (hide) In the fall of 1991, a perfect storm sunk the 72-foot commercial fishing vessel, Andrea Gail, in the north Atlantic, snuffing out the lives of all six crewmen. Yet, in 2018, what is known as "the ultimate storm," whose 155 MPH winds generated waves 80 feet high, failed to scuttle a much smaller pleasure craft out of New Zealand, Tonga. The two-man crew of the Tonga deployed an ingeniously constructed sea anchor (a water filled bag), which was able to keep the craft from capsizing in the fierce gale. God's people are facing a perfect, perhaps an ultimate, storm of persecution and harassment in the immediate future. Like faith, hope has a past, present, and future aspect, providing an immovable anchor (Hebrews 6:10-11, 18) which keeps God's people from being "overturned" in spiritually turbulent, horrifying waters. Holding to "the faith" in the appearance of Jesus Christ is the anchor of hope which stabilizes God's people (Romans 8:24, Titus 2:13, I Peter 1:3).