Sermonette: An Offering Made By Fire

Totally Consumed by Service

Given 28-Sep-21; 20 minutes


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As we approach the crisp fall evenings, the prospect of a warm, sparkling, flickering fire becomes exceedingly appealing. The flame hungrily consumes even the sturdiest of wood, including oak. In the burnt offerings, in Leviticus 1:1-9, the sacrifices of bulls and rams were consumed totally in a holocaust fire, symbolizing the totality of the offering. When Aaron's sons were consecrated as priests, the offering was similarly consumed by the flames in its totality. In Romans 12:1, Paul admonishes us to submit their entire lives in service to God's people. In I Peter 2:5-9, God's chosen people are called a chosen generation, a chosen race, and a royal priesthood, God's own distinctive people, commissioned to offer sacrifices of service-more of a spiritual rather than physical, offering sacrifices of altered conduct, requiring a lifetime of service, equally as demanding as the Levitical Priests of Old. The apostle Paul, who held nothing back from God after his conversion, compares himself as a drink offering being poured out, signifying that he had fought the good fight and had given his all, as God's chosen saints are similarly commissioned to do, enduring to the end in total dedication.

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