Sermonette: Being a True Sweet Savor to God


Given 22-Apr-22; 18 minutes


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In Numbers 28:15-25, we learn that a burnt offering is required every day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, consisting of animals owned by the offeror, without blemish, killed and skinned, burned entirely on the altar. Abel had correctly complied with God's requirements for an offering while Cain did not. David in Psalm 51 implied that these animal offerings served as a type to indicate a more acceptable offering to God—namely a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:16). Samuel had firmly instructed Saul that to obey was superior to sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22). The apostle Paul advises God's people that the renewing of their minds is a daily sacrifice in which carnality must be continuously put to death (Romans 8:13) replaced by God's precious Holy Spirit, yielding a savor, fragrance, or aroma desired by Almighty God. This sacrifice, involving the renewing of our minds is not easy, but requires diligent, hard work on our part, cooperating with the rigorous sanctification process laid out by Almighty God, conscientiously and meticulously living every day with the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16).

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