Sermonette: Writing Your Own Stories
Craig Sablich
Given 12-Feb-22; 15 minutes
description: (hide) The assurance that the Holy Spirit will give one the right words when hauled before magistrates (Luke 12:11-12) and the admonition to diligently study how to answer (Proverbs 15:28; II Timothy 2:15) may seem contradictory until we add the insight of John 14:26, indicating that the Holy Spirit will bring things to remembrance, indicating that something had to be placed in the memory file early and continually rehearsed. Because we forget immense amounts after first hearing a message (losing 50% within the first hour and 90% after a week unless the details are re-enforced), it is necessary to employ spaced repetition, repeating the essentials of the message in our own words in a narrative or story form. If we cannot re-state or re-write in our own words, we do not really know the material. All of God's called-out ones are destined to be teachers in the coming Kingdom. Sharing our insights with our spiritual siblings and speaking passionately about our convictions provide the necessary practice for future testimony when we can effectively tell our own previously written stories. When the disciples preached to the crowds, the 3½ years of continuous absorbing of Jesus Christ's teachings guaranteed that the fervent message was immediately on tap.