Sermonette: Who Was Barabbas?


Given 02-Apr-22; 15 minutes


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The incredible prisoner exchange of Jesus Barabbas (insurrectionist, robber, murderer—one of the most notorious criminals in history) and Jesus Christ the Messiah (accused falsely of being one of the most notorious criminals in history) by religious leaders, insanely jealous of their power, occupies a major place in Scriptures. Pilate, Pilate's wife, Herod, a Roman Centurion, and the thief on the cross, among others (far more than the required two witnesses) adamantly declared the innocence of the Christ. Barabbas, on the other hand, whose name means son of our father, totally guilty of all the charges falsely made against Jesus Christ, was the first recipient of Christ's sacrifice. In a very real sense, Barabbas symbolizes all of us, who are also sons of our father, and likewise have earned the death penalty unjustly placed on Jesus Christ, a sinless substitutionary sacrifice, saving our lives. Barabbas represents everyone; we are collectively Barabbas when we eat the Passover, sons of Our Father, but also those whose sins Jesus passed over.

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