Sermonette: Opportunity
James Beaubelle
Given 22-Apr-22; 19 minutes
description: (hide) As God's people come to the close of another Passover season, they need to move beyond the motor behaviors of avoiding leaven, eating unleavened bread only, seriously taking the time to enhance their relationship to their Creator. Like our forebears on the Sinai, we were slaves to sin under a death sentence. The Days of Unleavened Bread is the time to build faith with God, a specific time God uses to strengthen His relationship with His people, preparing a place for them in His house and in His government. Sadly, God's elect realize the difficulty of seeing sin, as David proclaimed in Psalm 19:12 about detecting the secret sins. Removing leavening from our lives is far more difficult than removing the leaven from our homes, a task only made possible by submitting to the will and purpose of God. The Days of Unleavened Bread remind us that God presents an opportunity to follow Him, an opportunity we dare not let slip away, realizing that to whom much is given, from him more will be required. Our calling is a great offer or opportunity, but it has its limitations in its own time. God is very patient with His people, but He does not wait forever. His plans always have a set timeline. Both Noah and the Rich Young Man received offers to follow their Creator, but we read no account that the offer of discipleship was made a second time to the rich young man. The time to follow our High Priest is now. Great things can be accomplished in a short period of time, but just as well, great loss can occur in a moment of time. Our time is now! Let us take our precious calling with the absolute seriousness it deserves, realizing that God will help us. As Jesus commanded the sleepy disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, "Arise, let us be going" (Matthew 26:46).