Sermonette: Fruit of the Body


Given 04-Jun-22; 23 minutes


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God's command to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:22) has both literal and metaphorical, as well as physical and spiritual applications, from produce of the orchard and garden to the offspring of man and beast. The most important application of this command to be fruitful and produce godly seed is reflected in Genesis 1:26-28, a mandate to create offspring (metaphorical fruit) after the Godkind. Producing fruit or godly seed is not the same as multiplying, but requires a stewardship consisting of educating our offspring thoroughly in God's commandments and statutes (Deuteronomy 6:1-9) remembering that if we fail to do so, Satan will educate them thoroughly to defile and break these laws through the corrupt media and educators (overwhelmingly commandeered by the prince and the power of the air (Ephesians 2:1-2) hell-bent on destroying the precious minds of our offspring intended for God's use. Teaching God's laws to our children is not just a suggestion but a command. If we do not rear and educate our children, Satan will. When David, in Psalm 17:8, asked God to keep him as the apple of His eye, he referred to the pupil which reflects the image reflected by the viewer of the image. David understood that when God looks upon His chosen, He wants to see a reflection of Himself. In this harvest of Pentecost, God expects a bumper crop of spiritual fruit (John 15:16). Will He find empty shelves or first fruits?

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