Sermonette: Faith
James Beaubelle
Given 13-Aug-22; 18 minutes
description: (hide) In Luke 18:8, Jesus asked a rhetorical question as to whether He would find faith on the earth when He returns. In Revelation 19:7, we find that the Bride of Christ has indeed made herself ready by exercising the faith which had been granted to her as a gift from God, which can be either be ignored or faithfully used to establish good habits emulating God's character and doing good works exemplifying God's character and virtues. Because of the continuous battle with Satan, the world, and our own carnal nature, these virtues develop slowly and sometimes sporadically, but they can and do grow with tending and cultivation. Faith always functions best when it is working with good works; by works, faith is made perfect or complete (James 2:22). To claim to believe God's word on one hand and then to say they are under grace with the works of the law done away (sadly believed by the majority of professing Christians) is nonsense and represents the epitome of faithlessness. We must model our behavior after the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 and brave King Jehoshaphat in II Chronicles 20, who, by totally surrendering to and trusting God Almighty, achieved a miraculous victory over three formidable armies by just standing still, waiting patiently for His intervention.