Sermonette: Am I on the True Path of Conversion?
Look Into Your Spiritual Mirror
Craig Sablich
Given 18-Feb-23; 16 minutes
description: (hide) It is entirely possible to believe on the name of Christ, believe in the reality of God, believe in the Sabbath, but still not be converted. Jesus' half-brother James insists that conversion is more than hearing but is useless if the hearing does not promote doing (producing repentance and righteousness). Observing oneself in the mirror is useless unless one makes appropriate changes based on the observed image (James 1:23-24). We must do a thorough self-examination, developing a sharpened ability to see the depth of God's involvement in our lives, learning that fearing and respecting God is more important than anything else in our lives, and loving our brethren and our fellow man (annoying as they may be) as Jesus does. The Great Commandment (loving God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves—Matthew 22:36) fulfills the entirety of God's holy and spiritual law. If we love our spiritual siblings and our fellow humans beings, we glorify Our God in heaven, revealing His true character to the world in which we interact. If we have a plethora of spiritual gifts, but lack agape love, we are not truly growing spiritually or morphing into the image of God.