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The Miracles of Jesus Christ: Healing a Paralytic (Part Two)

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

When Jesus heals the paralytic, He makes no bones about the fact that He, as the Son of Man, has the prerogative to forgive sin.

John (Part Fifteen)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

As long as we are slaves of sin and following the dictates of our lusts, we have no free moral agency. God liberates us from sin so we are free to obey Him.

John (Part Nine)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus teaches the difference between works that cause burdens (work that profanes the Sabbath) and works that relieve burdens. The Father and Son never stop working.

Am I on the True Path of Conversion?

Sermonette by Craig Sablich

Observing oneself in the mirror is useless unless one makes appropriate changes based on the observed image. We must do a thorough self-examination.

Leadership and Covenants (Part Sixteen)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The Abrahamic Covenant was made with one man, but it impacts all of mankind to the New Heaven and New Earth and beyond, involving billions of people.

Habakkuk: A Prophet of Faith (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

All of God's people should be watchmen like Habakkuk, living continually by faith, discerning, listening to, and responding to God's instructions.

Is There a True Church?

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Many 'church of God' organizations claim to be part of—or even the only—church of God. The Bible reveals specific characteristics of God's church.

How Much Does God Love You?

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

I John 4:17 reveals the depth of love God the Father has for us as unique, special components of His creation, loving each of us as much as He loved Christ.

What Do You Mean . . . the Unpardonable Sin?

Herbert W. Armstrong Booklet

Can a Christian commit a sin, and still be a Christian? Or would this be 'the unpardonable sin'? Or would it prove he never was a Christian?