Sermonette: The Good Ol' Days


Given 06-Apr-23; 19 minutes


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The secular sector of society has highjacked the dangers of an apocalyptic collapse from the religious sector, prompting the 2023 Bulletin of Atomic Scientists to move the dreaded forecast of the likelihood of world destruction from 100 seconds to midnight to 90 seconds to midnight. Wars, pestilence, political combat, and 'climate change' have been factored into this dramatic metaphor. The hype carried on by an irresponsible media have led to depression and suicide rates among the aged and the young. In 2020, suicide became the second leading cause of death among young people. A recent Pew Poll indicated America is in a precipitous of decline. Many try to run away from the pessimistic view of the future by retreating into the past, a nostalgic participation in the "good old days" through music and entertainment in an unrelenting desire to return to more innocent times. Often hindsight is not always 20/20. Sadly, when times worsened, our forebears desired to return to Egypt and Lot's wife desired to return to Sodom. Going back to the "good old days" deprives us from productively walking forward, taking us away from a more glorious future. The antidote to this unhealthy yearning is to use the holy day to leave behind past sins, looking forward to a glorious future when God will make all things new (Revelation 21:5, II Corinthians 5:17, Jeremiah 29:11). Unlike those terrified by the depressing Doomsday Clock, God has planned a glorious future for His called-out saints.

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