Sermonette: Expecting Miracles


Given 02-Oct-23; 21 minutes


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Skepticism is literally draining the membership of most mainstream Christian churches, Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. Our forbears on the Sinai fell into a spirit of disbelief and skepticism as they wanted to select a leader to return them to Egypt (Numbers 14:6-7). When Joshua and Caleb tried to dispel the negativism, the crowd threatened to stone them. Because of their unbelief, the children of Israel were overthrown in the wilderness, and prevented from entering the promised land (Hebrew 3:19). Skepticism is a thriving religion, originating in Greece as a dominant philosophy. Today the world is falling apart around us, with churches, either closing or yielding to high tech gimmicks to entertain rather than edify their flocks. Tolerance of all manner of sexual perversions is on the uptick. Moral relativism has overtaken and destroyed the faith once delivered. No one believes in anything miraculous. As God's called-out saints, we must still believe in miracles, recognizing the uniqueness of our calling, given to a precious few at this time. As John Ritenbaugh declared, our calling was a miracle , designed just for us. We need to get rid of skeptical thoughts, realizing that anything is possible to those who believe. ( Jeremiah 32: 27)

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