Sermonette: Go With Him Two
Joseph B. Baity
Given 04-Nov-23; 18 minutes
description: (hide) As we enter another "dark season" (the interval between The Feast of Tabernacles and Passover), we sadly find more ways in which the offspring of Jacob has deviated from God's law. God seemingly gives us this 200-day period as a form of laboratory in which we develop our sacrificial attitude, getting our minds off the self and onto serving others, putting to work the high standards our Lord has set for us. We have numerous opportunities to serve outsiders from the faith, displaying the fruits of godly living. We, of course, have all kinds of rights, but not all rights should be exercised if we have opportunities to demonstrate God's way of give to total strangers. We need to accept, as well as ask for, opportunities to "go just another mile" in service to others.