Sermonette: Focus on the First
Joseph B. Baity
Given 20-Jan-24; 17 minutes
description: (hide) The near deafening cacophony of the news makes it difficult for us to stay focused on our calling and relationship with Almighty God. In his 2023 publication, The Great Taking, David Webb explains that the 1% of our population (the elitists) want to steal the wealth of the other 99%, by destroying borders, redefining what it is to be male or female, overwhelming us with the noise of fake news and narrative, dividing families, dividing truth from falsehood, and separating all of us from God. The grand puppeteer behind this division is not Klaus Schwab or George Soros, but Satan the devil, the grand deceiver who wants to divide and isolate us from God's purpose for us and disengage us from reality. We need to be less concerned about world events and more concerned about the relationship with our Father. The more serious conflict is the one within our heads, requiring placing the relationship with God above everything else. Everything begins with God; without Him we can do nothing. The key strategy to prevent losing focus is the first part of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40), building a relationship and bond of trust with God through Bible study and prayer. When we neglect our spiritual exercise, our relationship with our Creator, like our physical muscles, will atrophy. We must cling with perseverance to that first part of the Great Commandment—to love God with all our essence.