Sermonette: Habakkuk: God's Power and Patience
James Beaubelle
Given 24-Feb-24; 20 minutes
description: (hide) Governments run by the offspring of Jacob, entrusted with establishing God's laws and governing principles, have defiantly rebelled, outdoing the gentiles in oppressing the poor, using governmental and corporate power to oppress those weaker than themselves. False syncretic religion absorbed from the pagan cultures have labeled evil good and good evil, hopelessly twisting God's word to militate against His holy and spiritual laws. The United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and South Africa all find themselves condemned in the incisive words of Habakkuk. Some of us can vividly remember an earlier time in history in which our countries seemed a more decent place to live and raise our children, but we now feel an intense curse on our lands because of corruption and loss of morality and integrity because of the wholesale adoption of the satanic Babylonish system. God has indeed expressed infinite patience with Jacob's rebellious children, but He has also put a time limit on their tolerance and craving for lawlessness. As God begins to bring His plan to fruition, we should never gainsay God's purposes, which sometimes uses an entity regarded as "more evil" to punish the transgressions of Israel. God's people have the solemn responsibility to patiently listen and yield to Him, shaking off the old evil ways they once loved, trusting God to bring His perfect purpose to a perfect end.