Sermonette: Old Testament Fruit of the Spirit (Part Four): Knit Together
Ronny H. Graham
Given 25-May-24; 21 minutes
In Psalm 15, David describes characteristics of those who demonstrate the Old Testament fruit of the spirit, including David's close friend, Jonathan, whose self-sacrificing friendship and loyalty has no parallel throughout the Bible. In I Samuel 18:1, we learn that "the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David" as he relinquished his royal clothing and armor to David, realizing God's will would prevail as his friend received the anointing. Jonathan had demonstrated his explicit and implicit faith in Almighty God as he continually searched for God's will, submitting to it wholeheartedly. The souls of David and Jonathan became knit together because both had God's spirit leading them. While Jonathan and David became more compatible, Saul, not guided by God's holy spirit, became more vengeful and vindicative, even against his own son. It is likely that David wrote Psalm 15 in loving memory of his devoted friend Jonathan, in whom he saw the likeness of God. When people look at us, would they see the same thing?