Sermonette: The Great Retreat

The Hazards of Disengagement From Our Fellowship

Given 13-Jul-24; 19 minutes


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In Matthew 24, we learn from the Olivet prophecy that because of rampant lawlessness in the world, the agape love of many will drastically chill. A recent trend, caused by intense political polarization and the recent Covid pandemic, characterized as "cocooning," "hunkering down," or "nesting," describes disconnecting from the world at large—a social paralysis. Estrangement and isolation have brought about profound loneliness and anxiety as people detach from society. Along with loneliness, chronic fatigue, drug abuse, and suicide attempts are on the increase. Sadly, what happens in the world penetrates the church where instead of regarding one another as spiritual siblings, we regard one another with suspicion and as potential threats who can expose our weaknesses and faults to others. When we withdraw from fellowship, we deprive ourselves of the blessing of sharpening one another. In Romans 12, we learn that God demands active and practical engagement with His people.

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