Sermonette: Addicted

Treating Our Sinful Addictions With Fellowship

Given 27-Oct-18; 19 minutes


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The world is suffering from an epidemic of loneliness and the addictive behavior (drug abuse and other compulsive activities) to which individuals turn to for relief. Addictive behavior provides a short-term reward of pleasure while systematically destroying the nervous system and body. Recently, research has posited the possibility that recovery is the rule rather than the exception if the subject benefits from a wide variety of alternatives instead of merely "to consume or not to consume." Whether measured in laboratory experiments on animals of by clinical psychologists, addiction becomes more difficult where the subjects enjoy healthy relationships, good nutrition and exercise. Individuals from stable families or those having a network of healthy relationships are less vulnerable to addiction than those who suffer isolation. Consequently, we must take seriously our commission to be our brother's 'keeper' (companion). Sadly, some the addict-prone individuals feel cut off even when surrounded by loving people. Our faith is bound up with the well-being of one another. Because of the horrible addictive nature of sin, we need healthy relationships with stable individuals within our fellowship, remembering that to love one another, we must become lovable.

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