Sermonette: In Our Time of Need
Austin Del Castillo
Given 24-Aug-24; 19 minutes
description: (hide) The current government of the United States (as well as the other nations governed by Jacob's offspring) has rejected Almighty God's holy and spiritual laws, substituting hideous laws permitting infanticide, sodomy, and other sexual perversions. Furthermore, the mockingbird media has spread government propaganda harassing God's saints for upholding His laws. God's saints, ambassadors of a future world ruling Kingdom, are commanded to abstain from participating in the political process. Despite their intense warfare on God's Law and His Truth, God has made it clear that He will avenge these hopelessly brainwashed leaders in His good time. The accuser of the brethren has leveled a full-bore attack on all those called by God, inflicting discouragement, despair, doubt, and self-hate. The true source of evil is not in human beings but the demonic forces which lead or possess them, controlling all human governments. God's saints need to take comfort that they were chosen before the foundation of the world. When we accepted God's calling, we trusted in His ability to fend off the evil influences of the world as well as our deadly carnal nature. By exercising His Holy Spirit to keep His life-giving laws, we may lose battles along the way, but realize, if we continue to fight, we will win the war because God alone has full control of all events and, furthermore, because He considers His saints the apple of His eye.