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God Is Aware
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughUnlike human beings, who are very limited in their awareness, God knows all of our secret desires and urges, which are continually open to Him for inspection.
Fearing God's Worthiness
CGG WeeklyRealizing God's willingness to help and knowing His worthiness begin to build in us the vital components of genuine, sincere worship.
The Unique Greatness of Our God (Part Four)
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Bible tells us that, far from being the unconcerned and inattentive Creator that the Deists envisioned, God is intimately involved in His universe.
God's Sovereignty and the Church's Condition (Part One)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughHow involved in man's affairs is God? Is He merely reactive, or does He actively participate—even cause events and circumstances, particularly in the church?
A God Near at Hand (Part Three)
CGG Weekly by Ryan McClureSince God clearly was involved in the lives of people in Old Testament times, if He does not change, should He not interact with people in the New Testament era?
God's Sovereignty and the Church's Condition (Part Two)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughGod's hand was definitely involved in the scattering of the church. We should respond by growing and preparing ourselves for His Kingdom.
The Sovereignty of God (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThose who have made a covenant with God can be corrupted unless they make a concerted effort to know God, realizing He has the right to do as He pleases.
The Sovereignty of God (Part Eight)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe purpose of prayer is not to overcome God's reluctance, but to help in yielding to His will. 'Prayer changes things' is only true if it conforms to God's will.
The Sovereignty of God (Part Six)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughGod has consistently moved His creation toward its ultimate purpose, setting the bounds of nations, motivating rulers to pursue a certain course of action.
How Much Does God Love You?
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughI John 4:17 reveals the depth of love God the Father has for us as unique, special components of His creation, loving each of us as much as He loved Christ.
The Sovereignty of God: Part Nine
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughGod's sovereignty seems to imply that prayer is pointless. Yet the function of prayer is not to change God's mind, but ours!
The Sovereignty of God (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughPrayer is not a dictating to a reluctant God, but a demonstration of our attitude of dependence and need. It is a means to get into harmony with God's will.
Is God to Blame?
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThe 9/11 bombings were tragic and terrible. Some have since asked, 'Was God involved? Is He to blame?' These tough questions have challenging answers.
Can God Look on Sin?
Sermonette by Ryan McClureMany believe that God is unable to look on sin, yet many scriptures show that God's eyes run to and fro through the earth, observing the evil and the good.
Living By Faith: God's Justice
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)In order to live by faith, we must understand God's sovereignty, God's character, and God's justice, realizing that we do not see the entire picture.
God and Reality
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWhat God puts us through is designed to reveal reality to us. Accepting His doctrine without looking for loopholes will keep us true.
Remembering God's Gifts, Promises, and Rewards
Sermon by John O. ReidDuring these times of intense distress and tribulation, God expects that we use our memories to reflect upon His gifts, promises, and rewards.
The Handwriting Is On the Wall (Part One) (2007)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe scattering of the church was God-ordained, providing a test for godliness. The isolating demonstrated by some groups is an abomination and an affront.
Sparrows, Don't Be Afraid
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingMatthew 10:29-31 and Luke 12:24 assure Christ's disciples that nothing escapes the attention of God, including the flight patterns of the lowly sparrows.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Only those called by God are given insight into God's grand design, making living by faith possible. God adds understanding as we are able to use it.
Do Not Be Afraid!
'Ready Answer' by Ted E. BowlingOur Savior utilizes the forgettable sparrow to teach about God's watchfulness and care over His 'little flock' and each of His chosen people in it.
Leadership and Covenants (Part Ten)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughGod and Noah worked side by side to deliver the remnant of humanity through the Flood, God supplying the sanctification and grace and Noah obeying in faith.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty-One)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Biblical wisdom (sagacity, quickness of perception, soundness of judgment) is achievable by anyone called of God because God is the source of this wisdom.
Ecclesiastes and Christian Living (Part Four): Other Gifts
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughGod has given His people tremendous gifts that, if used, will build their faith and draw them closer to Him. He wants us to succeed because we matter.
Sovereignty, Election, and Grace (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughGod, as Creator, takes the initiative (as the potter over the clay) for the elect's salvation, enabling us to build the repertoire of habits called character.
His Eye Is on the Sparrow (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)We do not need to excessively fear Satan, his demons, or the world, but we should fear and respect the One who has complete involvement in our lives.
Ecclesiastes (Part Eight)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughToday, as in Solomon's time, we can become discouraged and weary about the corruption in government, especially the evil corruption of the courts.
Submitting (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughLiberty without guidelines will turn into chaos. We will be free only if we submit to the truth. All authority, even incompetent authority, derives from God.
Where Do We Fit?
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The church exists because of what God has purposed and done, not because anything we have done. When pride exists within us, God can do nothing with us.
The Christian and the World (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughAnxious care and foreboding are debilitating and faith-destroying. Meditating on what God has already done strengthens our faith and trust in God.
Vanity (Part 1)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughVanity has many nuances, including transitoriness, futility, profitlessness, confusion, falseness, conceit, vainglory, denial, and idolatry.
Wilderness Wanderings (Part Two)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe spiritual journey of God's people is more difficult than the physical one of the ancient Israelites, requiring as it does more resources to navigate.
Faith Over Fear
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWhen it looks like things are out of control, God is busily at work behind the scenes. If we replace anxiety with faith, God will grant us divine peace.
Trial by Fire
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughLike a loving parent, God brings just the right pressures to bear to bring about necessary change in His children. Each trial has a place in His purpose.