Bezaleel of the House of Judah
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingGod augmented Bezaleel's natural abilities, not only in physical craftsmanship, but also in the soft skills of management, patience, and longsuffering.
Gifted (Part One)
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamWe have been given gifts for which we can glorify our Heavenly Father and by which we can help and edify others.
God Our Provider
Article by Charles WhitakerThe story of God's providence in building the Tabernacle serves as an encouraging example for us today as we collaborate with God in building His church.
The Father-Son Relationship (Part Seven)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Holy Spirit is never venerated as a separate being. Our hope is the indwelling of Christ, used interchangeably with 'Spirit of God' and 'Spirit of Truth.'
The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Six)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWe receive more of God's Spirit as we respond to His calling, drawing near to His presence and reversing Adam and Eve's fatal errors.
What Does God Really Want? (Part 6)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughGod provides the gift before it is actually needed so that when it is needed, everything is prepared for the person to do as he has been commissioned to do.
The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughBeing 'in Christ' does not refer to location, but instead our 'concern with' or 'involvement with' Him—and He with us.
Christ Our Wisdom
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsRegardless of knowledge, true wisdom can only be attained through the fear of the Lord and keeping His Commandments through the power of His Holy Spirit.
Biblical Wisdom
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWhile Greek culture rendered wisdom mostly mental and contemplative, it is not truly biblical wisdom unless it follows through with a specific behavior.
Approaching God Through Christ (Part Six)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe altar of incense in the Tabernacle was designed to create a pleasing odor, representing the sweet aroma of Jesus Christ, which covers our uncleanness.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twenty-One)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Biblical wisdom (sagacity, quickness of perception, soundness of judgment) is achievable by anyone called of God because God is the source of this wisdom.
Imagining the Garden of Eden (Part One)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe imagination enables mankind to envision both beneficial and harmful purposes. Imagination is a gift from God that can be used positively or negatively.
Approaching God Through Christ (Part Two)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe brazen altar symbolized total sacrifice. We have to be willing to give up everything, bearing our own individual cross, forsaking all to follow Him.
Extremes of Idolatry: Graven Images and Sacred Names
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughSome stretch the second commandment to condemn the use of all paintings, photographs, and sculptures. Others claim only Hebrew names for God can be used.
Sanctification and Holiness (Part 5)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughGod gives conditions for acceptable sacrifices and offerings, differentiating the holy and authentic from the defiled, unclean and strange.
Faith and the Calendar (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe issue is not mathematical or astronomical, but instead a matter of trust in God's faithfulness, authority, sovereignty, oversight, or ability to govern.
The Fear of God (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughEven before we acquire the necessary building blocks of faith, hope, and love, we must acquire the fear of God, which unlocks the treasures of God.