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Is New Year's Eve a Pagan Holiday?

'Ready Answer' by Mike Ford

New Year's Eve may seem like an innocuous, secular holiday, but it, too, has ties to ungodly, pre-Christian customs and religious practices.

Is New Year's Eve Pagan?

Sermonette by Mike Ford

New Year's celebrations often involve drunkenness, debauchery, and adultery. God commands us to separate ourselves from these customs and traditions of the world.

The Cross: Christian Banner or Pagan Relic?

Article by Earl L. Henn

Is it alright to wear a crucifix? As it turns out, the cross was a pagan worship symbol long before Christ's death, and was never used by the first century church.

Satan's Pagan Holy Days

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

New Years, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and birthdays all originate in paganism. Satan entices many into accepting these pagan practices through emotional appeals.

May Day: A Pagan Sabbath

Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

May Day has become a cardinal day for worshipping demons and the greenery of the earth. It is one of Satan's eight pagan holidays that displace God's Holy Days.

Meet the Modern Pagans

Commentary by David C. Grabbe

Allowing a freewheeling, inclusive approach to multicultural experiences, the new pagan Druid religion is highly eclectic, rejecting only Christianity.

Christianity Vs. Cultural Paganism

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Satan deceives by mixing truth with and falsehood, promoting cultural pagans or tares among the wheat or members of the church of God.

Reasons for Not Celebrating Christmas

CGG Weekly by John Reiss

Jesus was not born on December 25. The roots of Christmas are found in Saturnalia, and many of the trappings of Christmas are directly imported from paganism.

Cogitations on Christmas

Article by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Because of the pagan origins of Christmas, increasing numbers of Christians realize that one cannot 'put Christ' back into something in which He never was.


Article by Martin G. Collins

Christmas is a very blatant form of syncretism, the blending of diverse religious practices. The origins of Christmas testify of why we should reject it.

So You Plan to Keep Christmas Now?

Article by Mike Ford

Decorating with evergreens, festivals of lights, and the practice of giving dolls as gifts in the middle of winter all originate in pagan festivals.

Fishy Syncretism

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

Mainstream Christianity has unwittingly embraced the symbol of Dagon, attaching this fish symbol to Christ. Worship aids and reminders are idolatry.

Christmas and Sun Worship

Sermonette by Mike Ford

Christmas, Easter, and Halloween all derive from sex, fertility, and sun worship. Christmas traces to the incestuous relationship of Semiramis and Nimrod.

The Plain Truth About Christmas

Herbert W. Armstrong Booklet

Did Christmas come from the Bible or paganism? Here are the origins of the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, mistletoe, the holly wreath, and exchanging gifts.

The Origin of the Christian Cross

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The symbol of the cross flourished centuries before Christ came on the scene, serving as an initial for Tammuz. God's true church has never used the cross.

What Is the Origin of the Symbol of the Cross?

Bible Questions & Answers

History shows that the cross was used by pagans centuries before Christ. The 'Christian' use of the cross did not begin until the time of Constantine.


Article by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Halloween is the second-most popular holiday. This night not only lacks biblical foundation, but the Bible warns us against participating in such activities.

The Woman Atop the Beast (Part 1)

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Revelation 17 depicts a fallen woman astride a beast, drunk with the blood of God's saints. Whom does this image represent? History makes the answer plain!

Is the Symbol of the Cross Idolatry? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Mike Ford

Will wearing a silver cross around the neck keep a person from harm? Will it stay the hand of Satan? Superstitions about the cross arose long before Christ.

Truth-Based Worship Vs Spiritual Confusion

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

God never accepts worship that comes from human reasoning and the traditions of man. The starting point for worship must always be God and His revelation.

Is Mary Worthy of Worship?

Article by David C. Grabbe

The Catholic Church places great importance on Mary, to the point that many Catholics are pushing for Mary to be recognized as 'Co-Redemptrix!

Be My Valentine?

Article by Mike Ford

February 14, Valentine's Day, may seem harmless until the truth of its origins comes to light. Here is what lies behind this licentious, pagan day.

Do We Want to Catch 'Olympic Fever'?

Article by Staff

Are the Olympics the pure sporting events they are purported to be? This article shows that the Olympic Games have their roots in pagan religion!

What Do Spires and Steeples Represent?

Bible Questions & Answers

Spires and steeples long predate Christianity. They go back to ancient pagan fertility rites, where the male symbol of fertility was represented as a pillar.

Christmas, Syncretism, and Presumption

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Many think keeping Christmas is fine, yet God never tells us to celebrate His Son's birth. Celebrating such an obvious mix of biblical truth and paganism is presumptuous.

Strategies for Interfacing with Babylon without Becoming Assimilated (Part Five)

Sermon by David F. Maas

God is not a closed triangular Trinity, but a family consisting of God the Father and God the Son, and will include billions of resurrected, glorified saints.

America's Goddess (Part Two)

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

President Grover Cleveland called the Statue of Liberty the United States' "peaceful deity—greater than all gods." Wiccans pray to her as a nature goddess.

The Torment Of The Godly

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Both Lot and Ezekiel were tormented by the abominations, sins, and defilement taking place within their culture, polluted with idolatry and paganism.

The Six-Pointed Occult Symbol

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The so-called 'star of David' has its origins in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian paganism. The hexagram star is associated with occultism.