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Two Arks of Salvation

Sermon by Ted E. Bowling

In both the basket carrying Moses and the ark carrying Noah's family for over a year, God was in control, and guided both arks to safety.

Places of Safety

'Prophecy Watch' by Staff

While an end-time Place of Safety is possible, we should not discount God's ability to protect us anywhere. In Christ, we find our safest place.

Faith to Face the Fire

'Ready Answer' by Staff

We sometimes mistake faith for certainty about God's will. However, faith is not knowing what God will do but trusting Him to do what is best for us.

Servant of God, Act II: God's Gift of Faith

Article by Charles Whitaker

The story of Ebed-Melech goes far beyond a historical vignette. His story is an allegory of God's grace to the Gentiles.

Psalms: Book Four: A New Day Dawns

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Psalms 97 and 98 describe the military exploits of Jesus and the saints cleaning up the defiled earth preparing for a future event described in Revelation 21:2-13.

The Great Flood (Part Five)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The 'giants' in Genesis 6 could have been large for average human beings, but the giant aspect should be applied metaphorically as the movers and shakers.

Acts (Part Six)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The early church had confidence in God's sovereignty, realizing that no human authority could thwart God's power. This conviction gave them strength.

Psalms: Book Five (Part One): Psalms for the Winter Blues

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Winter is a time of cold, darkness, and sadness. As many as 10% of people in northern areas have Seasonal Affective Disorder. The Psalms for winter can help.

Promised: Protection and Healing

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God gives several conditions for receiving protection and healing, including God's sovereignty, God's purpose, and one's level of growth.

Can We Win People For Christ?

'Ready Answer' by David C. Grabbe

Most of the Christian world believes that it is the duty of believers to 'win people for Christ.' Yet the whole counsel of God reveals a larger reality.

How God Deals With Conscience (Part Five)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Joseph knew and recognized his brothers before they knew him, even as God knows our guiltiest secret sins that we think we have effectively hidden.

He Lives, We Live

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Redemption is useless to mortal beings without God's gift of eternal life (I Corinthians 15:19), which God made possible through Christ's resurrection.

Are You Feeling Guilty Of Past Sins?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Sometimes Christians fixate on past sins. But we cannot experience the joy of salvation while obsessing on past sins. Christ's blood covers sins repented of.