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The Rich Young Ruler and the Needle's Eye

'Ready Answer' by Mike Ford

In the rich young ruler, we see a respectful and eager young man who leaves Christ and goes away sorrowful. The Christian walk is particularly hard for the wealthy.

Parable of the Rich Fool

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Even if we have everything we could ever want or need, when we die, our goods will do nothing for us. Because of wealth, the fool believes he has no need of God.

Does God Want You to be Rich?

'Ready Answer' by Staff

Laodiceans think of themselves as rich, while God sees them as poor. But Smyrnans see themselves as poor, yet God says they are rich! What are true riches?

How to Become Rich

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

God does not measure prosperity by the ownership of physical possessions but with the depth of a person's relationship with Him.

Christ's Vital Final Warning to His Church

Sermon by Mark Schindler

We must be careful in our approach to our spiritual riches so we do not fall into the same trap that people with abundant physical wealth fall.

New Covenant Priesthood (Part Nine)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Pride elevates one above God, denigrating any dependence upon God, replacing it with self-idolatry. We ought to boast or glory in the Lord instead of ourselves.

Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Seven)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The church of God is not immune to the deterioration of doctrine. Minor deviations from doctrine bring about irreparable, disastrous consequences.

How Big Is

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The number of billionaires in the world has risen 18% this last year.

Parable of the Treasure

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Jesus' Parable of the Treasure in Matthew 6:19-21 is designed to get us to evaluate the relative values of material wealth and 'treasures in heaven.'

Money, Control and Sacrifice (2015)

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

In the important things in life, money is powerless. Wealth cannot buy forgiveness, eternal life, or God's Spirit. Riches do not profit in the day of wrath.

Money, Control, and Sacrifice

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

Wealth will certainly damage our character if we permit it to control us. Riches cannot buy forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, or eternal life.

Prosperity's Consequences

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Prosperity is not always an emblem of God's approval. God will not prosper us if it would cause spiritual damage, insulating us from seeking His kingdom.

Money Is Power

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

If we are untrustworthy with a paltry sum of money, we will be untrustworthy with the vast resources of God's creative power.

The Tenth Commandment

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Everyone is out to acquire as much as possible for himself. The tenth commandment, however, governs this proclivity of human nature, striking at man's heart.

Poor in Spirit (1997)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Being poor in spirit is a foundational spiritual state for qualifying for God's Kingdom. Poor in spirit describes being acutely aware of one's dependency.

The Christian and the World (Part Seven)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The best way to attain true wealth and the abundant eternal life is to loosen our grip on worldly rewards and treasures, and single-mindedly follow Christ.

What Does God Really Want? (Part 5)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

What God really wants is for us to see things from His point of view, making the right choices, striving to build character, developing into His image.

Asa's Laodicean Attitude

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

King Asa started his reign trusting in God's intervention and providence, but like the Laodiceans, he finished his course weak and compromised. Here's why.

Is God's Inspiration of the Bible Imperfect?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

When properly evaluated, there are no discrepancies in scripture; God is not the author of confusion. God does not enlighten us until we are mature enough.

New Covenant Priesthood (Part Six)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We must have both perseverance and humility in prayer to keep our vision sharp and clear. Without humility, the doorway to acceptance by God is closed.

Investing in Eternal Life

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

We are commissioned to be generous in good works, whether it consists of money, time, or talent. Conduct now lays up treasure for the future.

The Laborers: Matthew 20:1-16

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Because God is completely just, we have an obligation to be content with what He has given us, to allow Him to use us for whatever purpose He desires.

The Christian and the World (Part Eight)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Having anxiety, foreboding and fretting about food, clothing, and shelter, or being distressed about the future, demonstrates a gross lack of faith.

Why Hebrews Was Written (Part Five)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

If church members are to grow in grace and knowledge and be zealous in producing fruit to God's glory, they need to have their priorities in the right place.

Thou Shall Not Covet

Sermon by John O. Reid

Because virtually every sin begins as a desire in the mind, the command against coveting (lustful cravings) could be the key to keeping the other commandments.

Deuteronomy (Part 5) (1994)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Paradoxically, humble obedience and dependency upon God strengthens us, while prideful self-sufficiency weakens us.