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The Love of Money
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughThe context for the oft-misquoted 'money is the root of all evil' is a warning against ministers who wish to enrich themselves using the pretext of God's Word.
Money, Control, and Sacrifice
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughWealth will certainly damage our character if we permit it to control us. Riches cannot buy forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, or eternal life.
Money, Control and Sacrifice (2015)
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughIn the important things in life, money is powerless. Wealth cannot buy forgiveness, eternal life, or God's Spirit. Riches do not profit in the day of wrath.
Tangible Money is on Life Support!
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsMoney created virtually, encouraging the something-for-nothing mentality, as well as gambling, following the way of selfishness, violates God's way.
How Big Is
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughThe rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The number of billionaires in the world has risen 18% this last year.
Whoever Loves and Practices a Lie
Sermon by Charles WhitakerIn Revelation 21:8, Christ lists three spiritual conditions and four behaviors, all of which He links to deceit and which will lead to the Lake of Fire.
Are All Forms of Gambling or Games of Chance Sin?
Bible Questions & AnswersAny activity that is based upon covetousness is sin. A Christian should not desire to increase his own wealth by depriving someone else.
The Rich Young Ruler and the Needle's Eye
'Ready Answer' by Mike FordIn the rich young ruler, we see a respectful and eager young man who leaves Christ and goes away sorrowful. The Christian walk is particularly hard for the wealthy.
Gambling: A Question of Motive
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsThe addiction of gambling comes from the lure of effortless profit and the way of get, motivated by covetousness, which militates against contentment.
Spiritual Satisfaction
Sermonette by Martin G. CollinsThe Parable of the Rich Fool illustrates that, when one has all the material possessions he could want, he may still not be rich toward God.
Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Twelve)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Corruption in the courts is a fact of life. We should not be surprised by this curse, realizing that God is aware and is allowing it for a purpose.
Does God Want You to be Rich?
'Ready Answer' by StaffLaodiceans think of themselves as rich, while God sees them as poor. But Smyrnans see themselves as poor, yet God says they are rich! What are true riches?
An Unbalanced Mind
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The spending of money in an extremely unbalanced and selfish way is part of human nature. In our culture, we are becoming absorbed in extremism.
A Warning from Jude (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeBlinded by greed, Balaam used whatever mental gymnastics necessary to arrive at the answer he wanted. He turned the grace of God into a license for evil.
Prosperity's Consequences
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsProsperity is not always an emblem of God's approval. God will not prosper us if it would cause spiritual damage, insulating us from seeking His kingdom.
Back to Life (Part Three)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsJesus' deliberately delayed His return to Bethany until Lazarus had died so that He could bolster the faith of Martha and His other disciples, then and now.
The Tenth Commandment
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Coveting begins as a desire. Human nature cannot be satisfied, nothing physical can satisfy covetousness, and joy does not derive from materialism.
The Seven Laws of Success
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletWHY are only the very few—women as well as men—successful in life? Just what is success? Here is the surprising answer to life's most difficult problem.
What Does God Really Want? (Part 5)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWhat God really wants is for us to see things from His point of view, making the right choices, striving to build character, developing into His image.
The Christian and the World (Part Seven)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe best way to attain true wealth and the abundant eternal life is to loosen our grip on worldly rewards and treasures, and single-mindedly follow Christ.
Deceived by His Eyes
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughAbram learned that God gives material prosperity to those who are not seeking it. Those who seek riches are destined to fall into a snare.
Ecclesiastes: What Is It All About? (Part Three)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughTime must not be wasted walking into blind alleys and labyrinths, but must be spent walking the paths God has set before us, developing character through our choices.
Thou Shall Not Covet
Sermon by John O. ReidBecause virtually every sin begins as a desire in the mind, the command against coveting (lustful cravings) could be the key to keeping the other commandments.
The Christian and the World (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughAnxious care and foreboding are debilitating and faith-destroying. Meditating on what God has already done strengthens our faith and trust in God.
Balaam and the End-Time Church (Part 1)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBalaam illustrates the paradox of someone who knows God's will, but willfully and deliberately disobeys, presumptuously thinking he could manipulate or bribe God.
Poor in Spirit (1997)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughBeing poor in spirit is a foundational spiritual state for qualifying for God's Kingdom. Poor in spirit describes being acutely aware of one's dependency.
The Commandments (Part Seventeen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughWealth accumulated by honest work and diligence will be blessed, but hastily acquired by any kind of theft or dishonesty will be cursed.
Blessing Promises: Our Spiritual Inheritance
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWhen we ask to be blessed, it should be exclusively on God's terms. What God has done in our lives is the best preparation for our future responsibilities.
The Commandments (Part Nineteen)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughJesus taught that all outward sin stems from inner inordinate desire. What we desire or lust after automatically becomes our idol.
The Laborers: Matthew 20:1-16
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughBecause God is completely just, we have an obligation to be content with what He has given us, to allow Him to use us for whatever purpose He desires.
Forgiving, Giving, and Living
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsGod possesses attributes that are His alone, like omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. But there are other attributes that become part of our new nature.
A Godly Quest for Pleasure
Article by David F. MaasIs a Christian denied a pleasurable life? Are we relegated to lives of drab monotony and duty? On the contrary, we are created to experience pleasure.
Balaam and the End-Time Church (Part 2)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughBalaam, motivated by self-interest, believing that the ends justify the means, willing to do anything to get his way, is spiritually inferior to a donkey.
Maintaining Good Health (Part 4)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughWhile drunkenness and gluttony show self-centeredness and lack of discipline, often leading to poverty and ill health, moderation is the way to glorify God.
Sermon by John O. ReidMany people live in a state of discontent. Tragically, what they set their hearts upon often displaces the love for family and a relationship with God.
Impediments to Sanctification
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAny materialistic goal will decay and deteriorate, having a limited lifetime. Only spiritual treasures last forever. God demands undivided loyalty.